Welcome to my world!



And welcome to the site of Author Damon Graves. Here you will discover all about his writing, his passions and what motivates him to continue his writing. You will also be kept up to date about Damon's future releases, interviews and a lot more. Apart from his writing, Damon is also a talented musician as a drummer and has big pans to get back behind the kit and find a band to rock out with in the near future, and this website will compose of both these endeavours and it will be something to look forward to.

So, in the mean time, why not make yourself a coffee then make yourself comfortable and get ready to enter the nightmare realm of Damon Graves...

Frequently Asked Questions

What genres does Damon specialize in?

Damon specializes in a wide range of genres, including but not limited to mystery, action and adventure, horror, thriller and splatterpunk.